Thank you for this great festival experience despite the distance!
© Christian Brachwitz

"Are we playing with or without a mask?"

Overcoming the consequences of the pandemic with cultural participation?!

When & Where: Mon 19.04. 14:00,

Wait a minute! - The discussion

Currently, young people in particular are suffering from the consequences of the pandemic: challenging learning conditions, restrictions of social contacts and limited cultural and leisure activities are heavy burdens for children and young people in a critical stage of their development. The danger being that this generation will be left behind. Cultural participation can be a building block to counteract this. Children and youth theatres are ready to support Generation Corona in overcoming the crisis.

The current situation of young people, and the different cultural participation could make to overcoming the consequences of the pandemic will be discussed by Berlin’s student spokespersons, representatives from cultural politics, a child and youth psychologist, and representatives of Berlin's children and youth theatres.


Simone Barrientos
Die Linke | Sprecherin für Kulturpolitik der Fraktion Die Linke im Bundestag

Daniel Wesener
Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Sprecher für Kultur, Haushalt und Finanzen im Abgeordnetenhaus Berlin

Prof. Dr. Sibylle Winter
Stellvertretende Klinikdirektorin und leitende Oberärztin der Klinik für Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie des Kindes- und Jugendalters der Charité

Jeremy Jarsetz
Referent für Inneres des Landesschüler*innenausschuss Berlin

Karen Giese
Steelvertretende Leiterin des Theater Strahl

Tim Sandweg
Künstlerischer Leiter der Schaubude Berlin

Elena Philipp