Thank you for this great festival experience despite the distance!

Thilo Grawe and Ingrid Hentschel

A jury always needed a healthy helping of courage!
Ingrid Hentschel
Duration: 15 minutes and 48 seconds

Thilo Grawe

Thilo Grawe (*1993) studied staged arts and the presentation of arts and media at the University of Hildesheim.  He is interested in theatre pedagogy and collective story telling improvisations. He is a board member of the Theaterhaus Hildesheim e. V. and works as a performance artist, theatre pedagogue and cultural manager. He was a jury member at the Wildwechsel Festival and the Hart am Wind Festival. Beginning with the season 2020/2021, he works as a theatre pedagogue at the JES and heads the play clubs „Club der Zukunftsforscher*innen“ and „Club der Unsichtbaren“.

Ingrid Hentschel

Ingrid Hentschel lives in Hannover and has been a professor for theatre and aesthetics at the FH Bielefeld since 1999. She researches and publishes about developments in theatre aesthetics and contemporary culture. She focusses on theatre theory and dramatic practice, theatre, ritual and religion, the theory of the gift and children and youth theatre. Until 2009 she was a member of the advisory board of the KJTZ. She was also a member of various juries and selection panels for the children musical theatre festival Traumspiele-Festival NRW and for the AUGENBLICK MAL!-Festival.