Performing together with the audience
If children want to perform a play in public, they start with the circus. This is the beginning of separately perceived spectators and performers. Tickets are drawn and one is the circus director and there is a lot of applause. Everybody knows how circus works. It has animals and clowns and a tightrope artist and in the beginning the tent is put up and in the end everyone is together in the arena. This is called the finale.
Direction: Marlis Hirche, Oliver Dassing, Horst Hawemann
Stage: Otto Sander Tischbein
Costumes: Klemens Kühn
Dramaturgy: Marlis Hirche, Oliver Dassing, Horst Hawemann
Music: Gottfried Rößler
With: Marlis Hirche (direttore Rudolfo Gelantini), Oliver Dassing (assistent Oliver Krause), Horst Hawemann (great wgite unknown called Struppi or Kowalski the square, because he likes to be at home!)