30 years of AUGENBLICK MAL!
1991 until 2021 – we are celebrating our 30th anniversary! We would like to take this opportunity to look back onto the past 15 festivals: Gerd Taube reflects on how the understanding of the art of theatre for young audiences has developed over the past 30 years. In an intergenerational interview project 16 theatre professionals met to talk about AUGENBLICK MAL! and the development of the theatre for young audiences in the past three decades. Our archive invites you to rummage through pictures of guest performances and the atmosphere of the festival since 1991 as well as a lot of printed documents. Additionally, you can take a quiz regarding the resources of the past 30 years of AUGENBLICK MAL!
Have fun reminiscing and discovering something new!
From a Specialised Theatre to a General Theatre
It is a characteristic of this theatre art, regardless of its name, be it children and youth theatre, young theatre or theatre for a young audience: It is defined by its audience. These specifics have been the fundamental constant in the development of this theatre over the past 30 years. But the different denominations that emerged over three decades also indicate a change.
30 years of AUGENBLICK MAL! also means that there are people who have something to tell. Sixteen children and youth theatre professionals met digitally for interviews about the festival, two at a time, to reflect, to ask questions and to listen. In an inter-generational exchange, those who paved the way for Germany’s children and youth theatre scene share their memories and learn what’s on the mind of the younger generation. And we can eavesdrop.
What has been filed in the archives of the KJTZ to collect dust? Who is actually interested in the old stuff? Is it just boring history that should be trashed?
Absolutely not! We will take advantage of the 30th anniversary of the AUGENBLICK MAL!-Festival, to rummage around our collection and to unearth a hidden treasure or two. Not only to ensure they are still there but to make photographs, scripts, posters or numbers accessible to the visitors of this year’s festival. This serves to raise the public’s awareness for the history, not only regarding the festival of the theatre for a young audience, but to strengthen German children and youth theatre in its entirety.
Since its foundation in 1989, the children and youth theatre centre in the Federal Republic of Germany (KJTZ) has endeavoured to collect, look after and preserve the national and international memory of the theatre for a young audience and has accumulated a collection unique in Germany, with a library, archives and a media centre. It is our goal to upkeep the rich cultural heritage of the children and youth theatre and communicate it to artists, educators, researchers and inquisitive theatre lovers.
The exhibition „30 Jahre AUGENBLICK MAL!“ (30 years of AUGENBLICK MAL) offers you the possibility - during and after the festival - to rummage through documents of the past thirty years, to recollect the past or to make new discoveries.10 guest performances in 30 years of AUGENBLICK MAL!
160 national guest performances were invited in 30 years of AUGENBLICK MAL!. Now you have the chance to take a closer look into 10 exemplary plays. In a classical manner we’ve selected 5 children’s theater plays and 5 youth theater plays.
You might have heard our motto: über+produktion (over+production). In our archives, we discovered charts, data and names of the past 30 years which shed a light on what kind of resources are necessary and have been used to put together a festival. And now it’s your turn! How much energy, time and money goes into the AUGENBLICK MAL! Festival? How much space is needed? And who is involved in it to make it possible? In this quiz you can test your knowledge or just take a guess. In the end, you will surely have learned something.